
Friday, January 30, 2004

Theory in chaos | csmonitor.com 

Theory in chaos | csmonitor.com: "Specifically, says theory's reformed bad boy, '[theory] has been shamefaced about morality and metaphysics, embarrassed about love, biology, religion and revolution, largely silent about evil...' And that, as Eagleton says, 'is rather a large slice of human existence to fall down on.'"


"But for some academics, what the rejection of theory is really about is the joyous rediscovery of literature itself. There is today "a renewed appreciation of the irreducible particularity of an art work, an author, an historical moment, a particularity that theory may illuminate but never fully explain," according to Dennis Todd, professor of British literature at Georgetown University."

Amen. I've taken an English class, 19th Century British Novels, and I'm glad to say there was no post-modern crap involved. It was a study of the historical evolution of novels, as well as some of the stylistic tricks employed by authors at that time; it introduced me to Thackery. Read Vanity Fair, it's great.

Up with art, down with nonsense.

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