
Thursday, February 05, 2004

Remember The War of Northern Aggression? 

Mr. Goldberg discusses the divided America, and aptly points out that when democratic contenders talk about how divided the country is today, they are wrong in many ways.
Jonah Goldberg's Goldberg File on National Review Online: "Which brings us back to this Democratic mantra of 'bringing America together.' Americans are divided because they disagree with each other. That is the American constant, and it doesn't bother me in the least. Yes, I'd prefer that we were divided about different things, but that's because I'd prefer to win the current arguments separating the two sides of the culture war. However, if you think unity is the highest political value, you need to ask yourself: Would you rather have national agreement on positions you fundamentally oppose, or would you rather have divisiveness with a chance for victory another day? If you answered honestly, stop complaining about America being divided."

Read the whole article, it's worth it.

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