
Sunday, March 21, 2004

Iraq War Anniversary Documentary 

While the History channel may be descending into the abyss of airing entertaining, mass-targeted pieces that are not really historical, every once and a while they exhibit moments more like their glory days of the mid 90s. The documentary that they are airing (4 or 5 hours, I think) that details the entire Iraqi Freedom military campaign in detail is quite informative. It presents, with what I believe is no political bias (and in fact a slant that is slightly pro-military, which proves great in contrast to what the regular media has been giving us), a broad overview of the entire operation with discussion about the major battles, setbacks, and successes of the war. It gives us what the embedded reports could not, an overview of the conflict that shows us how well it actually went.

Watch it, and see how awesome the American military actually is, both in power and in bravery.

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