
Sunday, June 06, 2004

Historic Times? 

The NYT's says that there are no similarities between now and WWII, that WWII was a clash of good and evil in which everyone sacrificed under a broad consensus.

Those were brave times. But it was a bravery of shared sacrifice, a willingness to rise to an occasion that everyone prayed would never need to come again. This is a day to respect the memory of 60 years ago and, perhaps, to wonder what we might rise to if only we asked it of ourselves.

If we ask it of ourselves, we can. But I think it must be said that while the NYTs is saying the past was full of bravery and the future may be as well, its certainly not trying to help America be brave. It is not trying to foster a national consensus on a war against terrorism or an initiative to bring democracy to more of the world.

Bravery requires hardening ones heart against fear and doubt. The message of the NYTs is more like the water that seeps into cracks and slowly erodes foundations until they crumble into dust.

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