
Friday, September 03, 2004

Kerry Scream? (Midnight Press Conference) Kind of a Liveblog 

(*Note* The following is a bit rough, but I was trying to type as things happened on the TV)

His nervous giggling is scaring me. Will he flip out more?

UPDATE: His jokes are really bad too.

LOL. Fox broke out of the rally, and CNN broke in late.

Now that Kerry's going in his normal, unpassionate speaking style, he just looks tired. Must be all that worrying.

Another UPDATE: The crowd really isn't that reved up either. They're not reacting very strongly to his lines, even the 'good' ones.

Another UPDATE: Fox isn't covering the rally. They never broke back in. Maybe they should, Kerry is really not very good, and pales in comparison to the President tonight.

Yet Another UPDATE: Kerry is talking about stuff, but he's not being specific. He's just kind of rambling. I mean, Bush gives the link to a massive policy document, and Kerry gives us stuff like "We need a president who understands that we need to be less energy-dependent"(paraphrase". Okay, Kerry.

Kerry is just really negative. Bush talked about tought decisions and tough moments, but didn't seem negative, even when he was taking on Kerry. All Kerry is doing is bashing Bush. You'd think the dems would have moved past that. Howard Dean started running for president over a year ago. You've had time to build on the message!

"We need to get the target off of...the american soldier." And what, move it to the American civilian?

UPDATE: Larry King just called Kerry "rip-roaring". He really doesn't seem really rip-roaring to me. He seems flat.

Larry also called this an "unprecidented response". I agree that such a move by a candidate is unprecidented--I think it shows Kerry's desperation. However, I don't think I'd call it a response. It's not articulate enough to deserve that title. Unless Kerry really has imploded. He'll be hoping people ignore this moment in the coming weeks...unless he's gone nuts completely. Then maybe we'll be getting some 'I have a scream' speeches after all.

CNN just broke from the rally. Glad they noticed it was poor as well. I'd rather hear the pundits talk. At least they have move substance than Kerry (low-blow, I know).

UPDATE: "Ok, I definitely think we now need to see his medical records."

Oh, Larry just called the Kerry rally a speech while he was introdusing Cuomo. Didn't look like a speech to me. Looked more like a stream of conciousness.

Cuomo just said that the RNC was the best thing that could happen to Democrats. He's cracked and not offering sane analysis. Why does Larry have him on there? The repub commentator is very articulate, and the MTV guy isn't bad either. They think, but Cuomo is nuts.

The BET woman Larry has on thinks he made connections out in the viewing audience. She's a dem, but she has sense. If Kerry doesn't get serious and realize that Bush now has an edge and they need to be really smart to come back. They're going to be screwed.

"The gloves came off" with Kerry's rally. Too bad he's punching himself.

UPDATE: Yes! The guy with the bowtie on Larry King just said that it looked like Kerry was rambling, while Bush didn't because he had a prepared speech. Mo Roca just called Kerry a "buzzkill". Heh.

UPDATE: A Kerry Implosion?

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