
Thursday, September 02, 2004

A Liveblog of Bush's Speech UPDATED 

ProfessorBainbridge.com: Live-blogging the RNC: Bush's Night

UPDATE: Here's also some thoughts from Oxblog:"10:56 PM ā€“ Democracy discredits hate. Democracy will transform the Middle East. Stop it! Stop it! George, if you keep sounding so idealistic, Iā€™m going to have vote for you!...It was a masterful performance. In a word, presidential."

Here's another one, from Jay Nordlinger, which includes the following:
Ladies and gentlemen, I will be blunt: This was easily one of the best political speeches I have ever heard. It was one of the best texts, and one of the best performances. I thought, when it was through, "If America doesn't want to reelect this man ā€” this measured, proven, smart, brave, canny, compassionate, balanced, inspired man ā€” then America is a country with extremely serious problems."
I agree. It was masterfully written, especially the second half, and the president's honest delivery just made it all the better. This convention has been filled with great speeches, Rudy, Arnold, Zell, but I think Bush wins. It may be because he's president and ads weight to his words, or it may just be because he's a great guy, but that's irrelevant. I loved the speech.

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