
Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Iran and Syria: Burgeoning conflict 

Its not a matter of which anymore, but a matter of when. It seems that Syria and Iran aren't competing with each other for the top of Jason's list; rather they have agreed to share the prize. Both governments claim that the budding alliance is not anti-American, but if this is the case, what exactly are they uniting against? The infidelic Israeli Jewery? Not that it would be surprising, or indeed contrary to anything either government has said before. Clearly this is meant to show solidarity agains the western Imperirialist infidels. Iran is not helping themselves by refusing to comply with demands regarding nucleur programs, and by authorizing the downing of US drones. Most amusing was the use of rhetoric, similiar to President Bush's discussion of troops in Iraq, to justify Syrian pressence in Lebanon:
Moustapha told CNN Damascus regarded its military presence in Lebanon as a "stabilising factor" and said "we would be happy to withdraw the troops" if the Lebanese government asked Syria to do so.

How's this for stabalizing? The truth of the matter is that we saw much the same rhetoric and blatant disregard from Saddam and Saddam-era Iraq. He was later recovered in a spider hole...

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