
Thursday, July 07, 2005

Initial Reactions 

A few hours have passed, and now that things have begun to calm down on the other side of the pond, we can begin to examine some conclusions and indications drawn from the attack.
Already, some are staking their claim as skeptics, ensuring the ability to ruthlessly criticize the administration and its response when the time comes. Questions at the press conference of heads of police in transit earlier on FoxNews Channel went so far out of hand asking about prior knowledge and speed of response the questions had to be interrupted and brought back to task. As shocking as it may seem, one of the most outspoken lefties in the UK has already spoken out, voicing exactly the conclusion that the bombers desired:
We urge the government to remove people in this country from harms way, as the Spanish government acted to remove its people from harm, by ending the occupation of Iraq and by turning its full attention to the development of a real solution to the wider conflicts in the Middle East.

Only then will the innocents here and abroad be able to enjoy a life free of the threat of needless violence.

This is disgusting, to say the least. Only someone completely blind to the face of the enemy and the resolve of his people would so willingly aid and encourage the enemy's cause. This attack is not about Iraq, although Iraq is involved. This is about the will of a free people to be self governed, not submitted to the rule of terror and the reign of evil these people seek to enact. These terrorists speak of crusades and holy wars, not diplomacy and territory. They don't want us out of Iraq, or peace in Israel; they want to destroy the new Iraqi government, annihilate the Jews and overtake Israel. They seek reprisal for 500 year old "crusades." They don't want the Spanish out of Iraq; they want the Spanish out of Spain. Statements like Galloway's only reveal his ignorance of the raw, unbridled hatred for our way of life that pervades the Islam fascist movement. If Britain submits, is turned back, Al Qaeda will not stop. The precedent will be set. If the UK submits once, they will be forever submissive. If we do not fight on, Britain and US alike, we will forever live in fear of bombs in the dark, and threats in the shadows. The enemy will not stop, so we must not falter. Our only conlcusion to be drawn from today's events is that they enemy must be so thuroughly defeated, so comletely destroyed, crippled and wiped out, that it can no longer threaten the free world. Shame on Galloway, and all like him, for saying otherwise.

Let's see. The US fuckes up Muslims in the Middle East. Muslims hate the US for that and cause 9/11. The US attacks Muslims for 9/11. British join the US. Muslims now hate British and attack them. I see no anomalies here. The rhetoric that Muslims hate the US for its prosperity and freedoms that is perpetuated by the neocons is for really stupid people (and there are plenty of them in the US).

As for Israel, it is a fascist theocratic state with massive concentration camps that has nothing similar to the US democracy. Care to read actual sources.


Highly educated jewish atheist.
And What's a Jewish atheist???
Hihgly Educated=PhD
Jewish=Jewish parents
Atheist=do not believe in god, only pure reason and logic in all matters, incuding politics.

No offense anonymous Jewish poster. As a real Jew, one who believes and doesn't just have relatives, I am repulsed by your ignorant and apologist response.

Yes, "The rhetoric that Muslims hate the US for its prosperity and freedoms that is perpetuated by the neocons is for really stupid people." But the idea the US caused 9/11 is the vitriol from the left that feeds the right. As a liberal, that ideology makes me sick. Most, liberals don't blame America first.

Attacks on civilians are heinous no matter the cause or goal.

The Middle East is more complicated than name calling.
> These terrorists speak of crusades and holy wars, not diplomacy and territory.

Actually, wasn't it Bush who spoke of crusades and holy wars? Isn't it Bush who spurned diplomacy, saying "yer with us or yer agin' us"?

"Turning our full attention to the development... etc." sounds like a pretty good idea. To me, this attack merely serves as a reminder that, when the US was attacked by Al Qaeda, Bush chose not to put our full efforts into fighting Al Qaeda, but instead made a half-hearted effort to fight Al Qaeda and put most of our efforts into invading Iraq - one of the few countries in the region that didn't support AQ, no matter what phony evidence Cheney and Rummy can cook up.

Saying we should stop wasting our time in Iraq and actually start fighting the people who fucking attacked us, both yesterday and on 9/11, isn't encouraging the enemy's cause. It's encouraging Bush, after four long years, to start taking up our cause and actually fighting the terrorists who attacked us, not their oil-rich neighbors.
Nobody said that terrorist attacks are not heinous crimes and I do see where you saw that I tried to justify the attacks. I just reported the facts, that's all, and facts are not always likeable. I do believe that civilized world has to pursue the perpetrators and kill them. However, this strategy can never be a permament solution. Only a political solution is a real solution. Terrorism is not a well defined enemy and cannot be defeated. It can only be contained and the best way to do that is to reduce the incentives of people to join terrorist organizations.
Thought I'd check out the conservative blogosphere while killing time before church -

Can't tell you how happy it makes me that at this site recommended by Li'l Green Nutballers the majority of comments to the first post I come across are written by liberals.

arrrgh! I can't help myself! This is my new favorite blog. Talk about truth in advertising....

"Whatta maroon..."
Congragulations: you actually got me to think about politics! Keep up the good work!
Oh yes, a P.S....."Jewish atheist?" Ha! That's a good one!
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